Enjoy your Thanksgiving feast, whatever it may be.
We're having steak! No traditional turkey this year. Steak, fried potatoes, gravy, green beans, deviled eggs, celery stuffed with cream cheese, and cranberry sauce for tradition. Dessert will be a 4 layer cream cheese, pudding, jello concoction that looks good in the recipe picture.
I made cranberry bread last night too that came out pretty tasty.
The baking and ebay were my main activities last night. 50% off listing fees for auctions was a nice incentive. I did fairly well last week, and sold 6 out of 13 items. I relisted 6 of the 7 items that didn't sell (skipped the one with only 1 view, since it was probably me!) and added a few more. I just hope the three people that still haven't paid me since the items sold on Sunday will get their butt in gear! I wish these were all high ticket items with nice profit margin but they aren't. My profit is only around $25-$30. I'll still take it!
Happy Thanksgiving!
November 26th, 2009 at 02:07 pm
November 26th, 2009 at 03:21 pm 1259248893