This is a little off the topic of finances, but not too far. So here goes. A few weeks ago an acquaintance saw me looking for a job on the internet and sort of mentioned that I really needed to talk to his wife about how to look for a new job. Short story - she is in a dead end job, making just minimum wage, and hasn't had raises or any real job benefits for years. It's a small company that she works for, so that explains some of it. I sort of agreed that sure, I could talk to her. We didn't make any concrete plans, and we don't normally do anything with them as a couple.
Well, I saw her once after that at an event that wasn't really suited for discussing job hunting. It was an event that most people would have dressed up for, but some were there in neat casual attire. Not her. Sad but true, as I was talking to her with idle chit chat, I noticed a distinct B.O. She was dressed sloppily and I don't believe she had bathed for a few days.
Last week, I passed along a job lead that I saw on the internet to her husband when we saw him. Then, today, I asked again if she'd followed up on it. No, she really just doesn't know how to go about getting another job, he said. I kind of brushed it off that I needed to find my own job before I really spent any time helping someone else. So, I backed off, but not backed out. But what in the world have I gotten myself into?! Thinking back over the years, I don't think the poor hygiene is an isolated incident, but I had completely forgotten about it. This would be WAY more than just helping someone put together a resume, and introducing the concept of preparing for an interview and the etiquette of cover letters and such! But I wouldn't be comfortable suggesting anything else. This isn't a young girl either; she is grown and they have a family. I just think she is shy and unsure of herself. She sort of "fell into" the job that she has now.
I'm open to suggestions how you would approach the situation if it were you?
What did I sort of agree to do?!
January 23rd, 2009 at 03:16 am
January 23rd, 2009 at 07:53 am 1232697206
January 23rd, 2009 at 01:02 pm 1232715758
January 23rd, 2009 at 01:41 pm 1232718062
January 23rd, 2009 at 01:48 pm 1232718517
Make it sound like you are sharing a "secret of success" with her. God bless.
January 23rd, 2009 at 05:41 pm 1232732465
go way out on a limb to do it. Maybe just offer some advice and the help on her resume I think is more than enough. Then its up to her.
Good luck.
January 23rd, 2009 at 06:58 pm 1232737098
January 23rd, 2009 at 08:22 pm 1232742177
But this is not a burden you have to carry.
January 24th, 2009 at 08:59 pm 1232830763
It reminds me of a friend from high school that took someone "under her wing" a time or two - treated her to a haircut and makeup session for her birthday and things like that, just to give her a little boost of self-confidence. Sadly, it didn't stick, due to lack of money or lack of pride in herself.