In the past week, I've found two pennies and a thing of stamps. Jackpot! The stamps were one of those that sells for $8.40, and there were only 3 or 4 missing from it. I feel bad for whoever lost it, but glad that if someone had to find it, it was me!!
The week before that we were in Walmart and one of the clerks was practically standing on her head looking under all the shelves in the electronics area. She said one of the other men that worked there had lost his wedding ring. I happened to glance down and under the next rack of shelves and saw a dime. I made sure when I picked it up to put it in my pocket I showed it to her so she didn't think I was pocketing his wedding ring!!
I scored some more freebies at a few grocery stores yesterday. With coupons, I was able to get all of the following for FREE: 2 4-pks Cottonelle tp, 2 Suave deoderant, 2 10-pk Lipton iced tea to go, and 4 kit-kat candy bars. I also bought a 120-ct package of napkins for 11 cents, boxed scalloped potato mix for 40 cents, and two 6-ct packages of sugar-free Jello pudding for $1 each. I bought bananas too, but I don't think I spent more than $5 for all those groceries. I also got 2 20-ft boxes of Reynolds Wrap foil from Walgreens for free on Saturday. What could be better than FREE groceries?!?!?
Found on the ground, and more freebies
January 12th, 2009 at 02:39 pm
January 12th, 2009 at 02:53 pm 1231772029
January 12th, 2009 at 03:48 pm 1231775319
January 13th, 2009 at 02:10 am 1231812620