I refilled a prescription yesterday, but not at the old independently-owned pharmacy that I used to go to. Why? Because they closed last month and all the staff is working at a new Walgreens pharmacy in our town. Still the same nice people, but not the same nice price. Instead of $17.57, I paid $25.99. This is an out of pocket price, with a discount Rx card. I don't have insurance for prescriptions, and this isn't one that could be a $4 generic at Walmart. I thought it might be a little higher just because it was Walgreens, but that's quite a price hike.
I did get a $25 gift card for transferring the prescription, even if it wasn't my choice to transfer. So that makes me feel a little better. I guess they decided there was too much at stake to try to compete against Wags, so if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. With higher prices, I don't think they would have had much to worry about!
So...a lesson for all. Don't assume a national chain can beat an independent store's pricing.
Another one bites the dust!
December 10th, 2008 at 08:29 pm
December 10th, 2008 at 09:21 pm 1228944064
December 10th, 2008 at 09:27 pm 1228944432
December 11th, 2008 at 01:41 am 1228959692
Lizajane - Even if your med isn't on the $4 list, I would still call Walmart for a price. They are cheaper on many meds, not just the cheap generics.
December 11th, 2008 at 01:59 am 1228960793
Also, the pharmacist at our Walmart is very rude and a cashier got arrested and fired this summer for jumping across the counter at a woman, pulling her hair and knocking her child to the ground in the process.